Better Local Business Grant 2025

This is a preview of the Better Local Business 2025 - Grant Application Form form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.

Before you start

The Better Local Business Grant Program

The Better Local Business Grant program is administered by the Department of Customer Services, Open Data, and Small and Family Business (CDSB). This program is designed to support chambers of commerce, small and family business associations, industry associations and local councils to bring local business owners and stakeholders together to address key business concerns, issues or opportunities in their region.

The Department will only accept grant submissions online via SmartyGrants. All required information and documentation must be submitted through the designated form. Additional materials or information cannot be accepted after submission.

Before applying, please review:

πŸ“Œ Grant Guidelines
πŸ“Œ Terms of Use
πŸ“Œ Frequently Asked Questions

πŸ’‘ Icon Key

βœ”οΈ Acceptable
πŸ“‹ Evidence Required
πŸ’‘ Hint

🟑 Notice
🚩 Please note
🚧 Warning

🟒 Definitions

  • Applicant means the Chamber of Commerce, small and/or family business association, industry association or Local Council submitting this grant.


  • Application means this form.


  • Authorised Contact means the person responsible for submitting this grant, and if approved, undertaking the grant funded activity per the terms of the funding agreement.
  • the Department means the Department which is responsible for administering this grant on behalf of Queensland Government, this is the Department of Customer Service, Open Data, Small and Family Business.


  • Third Parties mean agents or other parties not directly related to the Applicant organisation. This could encompass a business or financial advisor, such as an accountant, or supplier for the activity.

🟑 Tips for completing this form

  • Read each question and the accompanying information carefully before answering.
  • Click 'Save Progress' regularly as SmartyGrants does not save progress automatically.
  • Provide only realistic and probable answers.
  • Finalise all responses before submitting, as no additional information or evidence can be provided afterward.
  • Once complete, click 'Submit' to send the form to the the Department for processing.

If you’re unsure how to answer a question, email your concerns or queries to [email protected]. πŸ’‘ Please include your application number with any correspondence (e.g. BLB2025-XXX).

πŸ”΄ Handling Validation Errors

As you complete the form, red-highlighted validation errors may appear. These typically occur when:

  • A mandatory field, including file uploads, is left blank.
  • Letters are entered into a numeric field.
  • The word limit for a question is exceeded.

If errors appear, ignore them until you’ve completed your data entry and clicked 'Save.'

To resolve errors:

  • Carefully read the error message or hint provided.
  • Update the relevant question or section to fix the issue.

🚩 Note: All validation errors must be resolved before you can submit the form.